travail - under construction - en trabajo
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- Pour le
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4 p.
- Situation
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- Situation
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- Situation
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- Violations
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- Situation
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des droits de l'homme
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- 57e
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- 58e
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- Amnesty
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- Amnesty International
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- Amnesty International : MAROC ET SAHARA OCCIDENTAL -
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- Amnesty International : DÉCLARATION PUBLIQUE MAROC
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- Amnesty international: Maroc et Sahara occidental: Des
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- Human Rights Watch, Maroc/Sahara occidental: les
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- Dix-huit
ans de solitude: Tazmamart, Boureqat Ali, Michel Lafon,
103, bd. Murat, F-75016 Paris, 1993, 304 p.
- Témoignages
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J., Young R. (CLAIRH), Sous-comité des droits de la
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canadien, 26.05.98.
- S.M. Hassan II
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- Pour
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- Liste des
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- Sahara Occidental: pourquoi les droits de l'homme sont
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- Témoignage sur
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à France Libertés et l'AFASPA, 03.11.02.
- Rapport
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- Parlement
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- Situation des droits
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- L'Union des
Juristes Sahraouis a transmis une lettre au Président de
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- Témoignage :
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"Prison Noire" (Sahara Occidental), Ahmed Naciri,
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- Mémorandum
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- From the
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- Western Sahara.
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- Western Sahara: a Crisis Unresolved, Written
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- Western Sahara Initiative, Report of the
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- Evidence on Western
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- In the
Moroccan King's Secret Gardens, Boureqat Ali, translated
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- Politics
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- Western Sahara, Landmine Monitor
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- International
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- European
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- Report
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- The Performance of
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- The Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH) submits
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Laayoune, 06.10.05.
- United Nations,
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Report of Morocco.
- Fourth periodic
report from the Government of Morocco on the
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Political Rights, ECOSOC, 15.10.97 (Morocco. 15/10/97.
- Second periodic
report of Morocco, E/1990/6/Add.20 (State
Party Report), implementation of the international covenant on
economic, social and cultural rights, ECOSOC, 09.01.99.
- Concluding
Observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:
Morocco, E/C.12/1/Add.55. (Concluding Observations/Comments),
ECOSOC, 01.12.00.
- Second periodic report
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- Concluding Observations
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- Human Rights Committee,
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May 2004.
- Human Rights Committee
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States of America
- Western Sahara Human
Rights practices 1995, U.S. Department of
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- Morocco Human Rights
practices 1995, U.S. Department of State, March 1996
- Western Sahara
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State, Jan. 30, 1997.
- Morocco Country
Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996, U.S. Department of
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- U.S. Department of
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of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, January 30, 1998.
- U.S. Department of
State: Western Sahara Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997, by the Bureau of
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, January 30, 1998.
- U.S. Department of
State, Morocco, Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998 , Released by the
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 26.02.99.
- U.S. Department of
State, Western Sahara, Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998, Released by the Bureau
of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 26.02.99.
- Western Sahara, 1999
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Released by the Bureau
of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State,
- Morocco, 1999 Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices, Released by the Bureau
of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State,
- Western Sahara
Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 2000, U.S. State Department
Human Rights Country Reports, 26.02.01.
- Morocco Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2000, U.S. State Department
Human Rights Country Reports, 26.02.01.
- Morocco, The World Factbook,
Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. , USA, 2000.
- Western Sahara, The World factbook,
Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C., USA, 2000.
- Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2001, Released by the
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, March 4, 2002
- Morocco, Country Reports
on Human Rights Practices - 2001, Released by the
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, March 4, 2002.
- Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2002
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor March 31,
- Morocco, Country Reports
on Human Rights Practices - 2002
Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor March 31,
- Western Sahara, Reports on Human Rights
Practices 2003, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and
Labor, USA, February 25, 2004.
- Morocco, Reports on Human
Rights Practices 2003, released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human
Rights, and Labor, USA, February 25, 2004.
- Western Sahara, Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices-2004, Released by the Bureau
of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, February 28, 2005.
- Morocco, Country Reports
on Human Rights Practices-2004, Released by the Bureau
of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor February 28, 2005.
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- The Worlds
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- Countries at the
Crossroads: A Survey of Democratic Governance: Morocco, Freedom House, April
2004 (PDF).
- "The Worst of
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released its annual list of the world's most repressive regimes at the
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see page 129)
- Freedom in
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- Morocco/Western Sahara: Kelthoum Ahmed Labid El-Ouanat,
Prisoner of Conscience, Amnesty International,
March 1996 (AI Index: MDE 29/03/96), 4 p.
- Morocco/Western
Sahara: Human rights violations in Western Sahara, 18 April 1996
(AI Index: MDE 29/04/96), 17 p.
- A Summary of Amnesty
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- Morocco: Visit of
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- A.I. Report: "Morocco /
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- MOROCCO/WESTERN SAHARA, Open letter to His
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- Amnesty International
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- Amnesty International
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- Amnesty international
report 2003: Morocco/Western Sahara
- Amnesty International
- Report 2004 - Morocco / Western Sahara
- Morocco/Western
Sahara: Amnesty International welcomes public hearings into past
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- Amnesty International
concerned by mass deportations, 14.10.05.
- Amnesty International, Morocco / Western Sahara, Sahrawi
human rights defenders under attack, 24.11.05.
- Amnesty international Public Statement - Human rights
defenders on trial, AI Index: MDE 29/009/2005, 29.11.05
- Amnesty international: Morocco/Western Sahara: Human
rights defenders jailed after questionable trial, AI Index: MDE
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Rights Watch (english)
- Human Rights
Watch/ Middle East, Letter of Human
Rights Watch to the Security Council, May 17, 1996, 2 p.
- Human Rights
Watch, Morocco: Human Rights at
a Crossroads, 21.10.04.
- Human Rights Watch, Morocco: After Truth Commission,
State Must Address Persistent Impunity, 28.11.05.
- Human Rights Watch, Letter to King Mohammed VI on the
Trial of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders in the Western Sahara,
- Human Rights Watch, Morocco/Western Sahara: Activists
Need Fair Trial, 10.12.05.
- Marruecos
y el Sahara occidental: Violaciones de derechos humanos en el Sahara
occidental, Amnesty International, 18 de abril de 1996 (Indice AI:
MDE 29/04/96/s), 16 p.
- Papers, No
6, desembre 1996, publicació de la Llega dels Drets dels
Pobles, Sabadell.
- Testimonio
de Fatma Maasoud Taher, esposa del desaparecido saharaui Mohamed
Said Abeid Chaaban, Daira de Techla, 27 de Junio de 1999.
- Parlamento
europeo, Delegación ad hoc para el Sahara Occidental,
Informe de la Presidenta de la Delegación ad hoc para el Sahara
Occidental, Catherine Lalumière, Vicepresidenta del Parlamento
Europeo, PE 313.354, (para descargar en formato Word )
- Informe de la
misión de observadores juristas sobre el juicio celebrado en El
Aaiun (Sahara Occidental) el 24 de abril de 2002, Cristina Navarro
Poblet, José Manuel De la Fuente Serrano, Mayo de 2002.
- Marruecos:
detención de los jóvenes Salem Mouloud ; Salek
Hazaña (El Alawi) y Duih Mohamed-Fadel, quienes según las
denuncias han sido torturados en El Aaiún. Caso MAR 010702
Detenciones presuntamente arbitrarias / Torturas / Ordenes de
búsqueda y captura, Llamados OMCT 1/7/2002.
- Informe sobre la
situación de los presos políticos saharauis en la
Cárcel Negra de El Aaiún: Hacinamientos,
Enfermedades, Falta de alimentación, Violaciones Sexuales y
Cohecho de las autoridades, AFAPREDESA, 11.07.02.
- «Los
derechos humanos en el Magreb: derecho y política», Carlos
Ruiz Miguel, Revista de Estudios Políticos (Nueva
Epoca), núm. 117, julio-septiembre 2002, pp. 125-144.
- Informe
sobre la misiôn de observaciôn realizada en El Aaiun
(Sahara Occidental) el 16 de octubre y en Agadir (Marruecos), el 17 de
octubre de 2002, asi como la situaciôn de los presos saharauis,
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Badajoz. (formato PDF)
- Informe:
Misión internacional de investigación en el Sáhara
Occidental 28 de octubre- 5 de noviembre 2002. Fondation France
Libertés y AFASPA (Association Française d'Amitié
et de Solidarité avec les Peuples d'Afrique), formato PDF
- Comunicado del Colectivo
de defensores de los Derechos Humanos Saharauis «Territorio del
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- El Vuelo de
Ícaro, nº 4, Ed. Liga Pro-Derechos
Humanos, Madrid, 2003. Contribuciones sobre el Sahara Occidental de
Juan Soroeta Liceras, Felipe Briones Vives, Cristina Navarro Poblet,
Jose Manuel De la Fuente Serrano, Anna Badía Martí,
M'hamed Khadad.
- Informe de la
delegación de juristas comisionada por la Comision de derechos
humanos del Consejo General de la Abogacía Española, en
misión de observación en los juicios que se desarrollan
contra presos políticos saharauis en el Sahara Occidental (abril
2002 - junio 2003) (texto completo PDF)
- Informe
France Libertés: Misión internacional de
investigación. Las condiciones de detención de los
prisioneros de guerra marroquís detenidos en Tindouf (Argelia) -
11-25.04.2003. (castellano PDF)
- Satisfacción en la
Abogacía Española por el indulto de 8 presos saharauis
cuyos juicios irregulares denuncio el CGAE, 08.01.04
- NU, Comité de
derechos humanos, Quinto informe periódico : Morocco. 15/04/2004,
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- Informe sobre las
intimidaciones perpetradas por las autoridades marroquíes contra
los saharauis que defienden los Derechos Humanos en los Territorios
Ocupados del Sáhara Occidental.
- Informe sobre la
situación de los presos políticos saharauis en la Cárcel
Negra de El Aaiún. Hacinamientos, Enfermedades, Falta de
alimentación, Violaciones Sexuales y Cohecho de las autoridades,
- Sahara Occidental:
¿hasta cuando?, AFAPREDESA,
Asociación de Familiares de Presos y Desaparecidos Saharauis,
- Dal
profondo delle tenebre... Testimonianze di ex detenuti sahraui
nelle carceri segrete marocchine, CESTAS, Via G.A.Magini, 6, I-40100
Bologna, 1995, 48 p.
- Dal
carcere di Inezgane, Testimonianza di Tamek Ali Salem, A cura di
Jacqueline Philippe e del Coordinamento delle Associazioni di
Solidarietà con il Popolo Sahraui dell'Emilia Romagna, giugno
2004, 44 p.
- Publication
mensuelle régulière depuis 2003
- Oltre il
muro: la RASD, Violazione dei Diritti dell'Uomo nel Sahara Occidentale,
A cura di Jacqueline Philippe.