


London meeting


Fred Eckhard spokesman for the Secretary-General of the United Nations, 15.05.00:
Morocco, the Polisario Front and the neighboring countries -- Mauritania and Algeria -- met for private face-to-face discussions in London on May 14 under the auspices of the Secretary-General's Personal Envoy, James Baker III.
The parties may meet again in June to continue the search for an early, durable and agreed resolution of their dispute in Western Sahara.

The meeting ended in the evening without results. Mr Baker proposes a new reunion in a near future. (communiqué Ministry of Information SADR)


The delegations:


Mahfoud Ali Beiba, M'Hamed Khaddad, Brahim Ghali, Ahmed Boukhari, Radhi Sgheir Bachir and Brahim Mokhtar.


Mohamed Benaïssa, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Midaoui, Minister of Interior

and Ahmed Snoussi, Ambassador to the UN; Mohamed Loulichki, coordinator with Minurso ; Brahim Hakim ; Omar Hadrami, Rachid Douihi, Khali Hana Ould Rachid, Ghailani Dlimi.


Algeria: Mr Ahmed Ouyahia, Minister of State, Minister of Justice.
Mauritania: Mr Ould Boubeker Amine, Minister, secretary-general of the Presidence.

The meeting began at 15.00 GMT at Lancaster House in presence of James Baker.

It ended in the evening without results. Mr Baker proposes a new reunion in a near future.