


to Denmark


>> en castellano (traducción no oficial)  

Denmark supports the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy in their efforts to find a mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in Western Sahara

The Danish Prime Minister, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, whose country currently holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, was asked by Mr. Søren Søndergaard, member of the Danish Parliament representing the Red-Green Alliance, about whether Denmark will continue having the irrevocable standpoint that the future status of Western Sahara should be decided only by the Saharawi people.

In his reply on behalf of the Prime Minister, Mr. Bendt Bendtsen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Trade, Industry and Nordic affairs stated that, "the resolutions of the UN Security Council concerning Western Sahara continue to be the basis for Denmark's position towards the issue. The implementation of the resolutions, however, demands the cooperation of the parties. It has not yet been possible to attain agreement on the modalities for holding the referendum about the future status of the territory. Denmark supports the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy, James Baker, in their efforts to find a solution to the conflict that is acceptable to both parties".

It is noteworthy that, in its latest resolution 1429 (2002) regarding Western Sahara, the Security Council underlined the validity of the Settlement Plan for Western Sahara and sanctioned the principle of self-determination of the Saharawi people, while rejecting categorically the "Framework Agreement", the option defended by the occupying power, Morocco.

Copenhagen, 22nd August 2002

Sidi Omar,
Representative of Frente POLISARIO to Denmark.

Dinamarca apoya los esfuerzos del Secretario General de la ONU y de su enviado personal para encontrar una solucion mutuamente aceptable en el conflicto del Sahara Occidental.

Al Primer Ministro danes, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, cuyo pais ostenta la presidencia rotatoria de la Union Europea, le pregunto Søren Søndergaard, diputado del Parlamento del grupo "Alianza Rojiverde", acerca de si Dinamarca continuara teniendo como punto de referencia irrevocable el que el futuro status del Sahara Occidental debe decidirse solo por el pueblo saharaui.

En su respuesta, en nombre del Primer Ministro, el Sr. Bendt Bendtsen, Vice-primer ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, comercio, industria y asuntos nordicos, afirmo que "las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad sobre el Sahara Occidental continuan siendo la base de la posicion de Dinamarca en torno a esta cuestion. La puesta en practica de estas resoluciones, sin embargo, precisa de la cooperacion de las partes. No ha sido aun posible alcanzar un acuerdo sobre las modalidades para celebrar el referendum sobre el futuro status del territorio. Dinamarca apoya los esfuerzos del Secretario General de la ONU y de su enviado personal para encontrar una solucion al conflicto del Sahara Occidental que sea aceptable para ambas partes".

Es importante advertir que, en su ultima resolucion 1429 (2002) sobre el Sahara, el Consejo de Seguridad subrayo la validez del Plan de Arreglo para el Sahara Occidental y sanciono el principio de autodeterminacion del pueblo saharaui, al mismo tiempo que rechazo categoricamente el "Acuerdo Marco", la opcion defendida por la potencia ocupante, Marruecos.

Copenhague, 22 de Agosto 2002

Sidi Omar,
Representante del Frente POLISARIO en Dinamarca.


[Communiqués, letters. documents]