In adopting the resolution proposed by
its Fourth Committee, the General.Assembly expressed continued
support for the Secretary-General's efforts to organize a
self-determination referendum for the people of Western Sahara. It
encouraged Morocco and the Frente POLISARIO to start direct talks at
the earliest possible date.
Changes at UN
Mr. Kofi Annan took up his duties as Secretary General .
Following countries access for 2 years to the Security Council as
temporary members: Costa Rica, Japan, Kenya, Portugal, Sweden, in
replacement of Botswana, Germany, Honduras, Indonesia and Italy.
Boletin Informativo, No 7, Novembre 1996, Embajada de la RASD,
Mexico, p. 8.
Al Karama - Dignitý, No 1, Giugno - Novembre 1996,
Associazione Nazionale di Solidarieta con il Popolo Sahraui,
Bologna, Italia, p. 8.
Sahara Occidental: La quÍte de Paix d'un peuple
oubliÈ - "Les Nations Unies doivent prendre leurs
responsabilitÈs", un entretien avec Fadel Ismail, Hayane
Abderrhamane (texte) et Delcour Sabine (photos), TÈmoignage
ChrÈtien, Paris, No 2739, 3.01.97, pp. 8-9.
Les Sahraouis: entre le temps et l'espace, Caratini Sophie,
Sciences Humaines, hors sÈrie No 15, dÈc. 1996 -
janv. 1997, pp. 44-45, F-Auxerre.