original french
30.08.01 In a statement released by AFAPREDESA and the Spanish League for Human Rights the Saharawi prisoners in Marrakech are joining the campaign launched by Daddach of temporary hunger strikes to protest about their conditions of detention and to demand their immediate liberation. (AFAPREDESA, LPDDH)
30.08.01 In Smara relatives of disappeared Saharawis created a committee whose job would be to throw light on the fate of disappeared Saharawis. (BBC)
01.09.01 The European Bureau for the Respect of Human Rights in Western Sahara, BERDHSO, launches an appeal for the collection of signatures for the liberation of Mohamed Daddach and all Saharawi prisoners sentenced in Moroccan courts. It publishes a list of 25 Saharawi political prisoners held in Morocco.
This is the start of a campaign expected to last 3 months. You can sign the appeal on line or download and print out petition forms for the collection of signatures.
06.09.01 AFAPREDESA announces that four other Saharawi political prisoners have joined the movement. They are: Jamaa Mohamed Yahdih El Houssein, Kazhaz Mohamed Fadel EL Houssein, Biridlil Lahcen El Houssein, Bouknou Abdellahi Jamaa Abderrahma (sentenced to two years imprisonment). To date 13 prisoners have joined Mohamed Daddach's hunger strike.
Central America
Salem Lebsir, President of the Saharawi Parliament, and Salama
Hanan, Saharawi Ambassador in Panama were invited to the
Central American Parliament, PARLACEN, which includes Guatemala,
Panama, El Salvador, Hondura, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.
Salem Lebsir addressed the assembly, which voted in favour of a
resolution of support for the right of the Saharawi people to
self-determination and independence.(National
Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic
In an interview in 4 parts given by Mohamed VI to the French daily,
Le Figaro, the Moroccan sovereign brought up the question of Western
Sahara. Applying the method of auto-suggestion developed by
Coué, he declared: "I have settled the question of the Sahara
which has been poisoning us for twenty-five years". We were not kept
waiting for a Saharawi reaction. Mohamed Abdelaziz said in a
statement (french)
that these remarks are "of a provocative and bellicose nature",
tending to "misrepresent the latest Security Council resolution by
making allegations without any foundation".(Le
European Parliament
The intergroup of the European Parliament « Peace for the
Saharawi People » met in Strasbourg. On this first autumn
meeting, the Pinedale talks and the Polisario Front's clear rejection
of James Baker's so-called «framework accord» were high on
the agenda, as well as the false affirmations of Mohamed VI in the
interview given to the French daily Le Figaro. The matters relative
to the situation of human rights in the occupied territories were
also part of the debates, as well as the corruption scandals which
are affecting the Moroccan fishing industry (mainly operating in W.S.
territorial waters) and which involve several generals of the
Moroccan armed forces.
for the Saharawi students abroad
Concerning: National Union of Saharawi Students (UNES)
During its fifth congress, UJSARIO, the Union of Saharawi Youth, set
up a committee to prepare for the creation of a Saharawi student
organisation. They are calling all Saharawi students abroad to get in
touch with UJSARIO at the following email addresses: Preparatory
Committee : lualus@maktoob.com;
international relations: ujsario_spain@yahoo.es;
secrétariat général : ujsario@mixmail.com.
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