19 November 1997






1. With reference to paragraph 47 of my report of 13 November 1997 (S/1997/882), I wish to inform the Council that the cost of the expansion of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) for the full implementation of the settlement plan, based on the timetable set out in annex II to that report, is estimated at $129 million.

2. The estimate provides for the emplacement of 347 military observers, 1,273 military contingent personnel, 319 civilian police observers, supported by a civilian establishment of some 120 international civilian staff, 90 locally recruited staff and 750 polling officers. It also provides for the acquisition of equipment, supplies and services and other necessary logistical requirements.

3. A breakdown of the estimated requirements is provided for information purposes, by main category of expenditure, in the annex to the present addendum.

4. It is my intention to propose to the General Assembly, should the Security Council authorize the expansion of MINURSO for the full implementation of the settlement plan, that the costs relating thereto should be considered an expense of the Organization to be borne by Member States in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations and that the assessments to be levied on Member States should be credited to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara.



Cost estimates for the expansion of the United Nations

Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara for the

full implementation of the settlement plan

(Thousands of United States dollars)



Category estimate


1. Military personnel costs 36 900

2. Civilian personnel costs 36 800

3. Premises/accommodation 11 000

4. Infrastructure repairs 700

5. Transport operations 10 900

6. Air operations 9 500

7. Naval operations -

8. Communications 600

9. Other equipment 2 000

10. Supplies and services 2 400

11. Election-related supplies and services 400

12. Public information programmes 200

13. Training programmes -

14. Mine-clearing programmes 3 100

15. Disarmament and demobilization programmes -

16. Air and surface freight 11 000

17. Staff assessment 3 500

Total, lines 1-17 129 000