WEEK 38, 16-22.09.1996

Meetings between Morocco and Polisario
Algerian comment
Failure of the Morocco - Polisario negociations

Meetings between Morocco and Polisario

The Polisario representative in France declared in an interview at Radio France Internationale that the contacts between Polisario and Morocco have not brought any new developments. The bone of contention is always the census. "I am always more convinced that so long the discussions dont take place in presence of a third party, neighbour state, members of the Security Council or international authority, it would be difficult to reach a serious result." Morocco's Minister Driss Basri himself declared that the referendum is unavoidable with its two questions and there is no other possibility. Next day the Minister denied the existence of any contact with the Polisario Front.

Algerian comment
The Algerian Foreign Minister exprimed his satisfaction after the meetings the week before between Moroccan responsibles and Sahrawi delegations. He added that Algeria is supporting direct contacts and works for a political solution in order to avoid a conflict in the region.

Failure of the Morocco - Polisario negociations
According to the Sahrawi ambassador at Alger, quoted by the Algerian newspaper "Liberté", the discussions between Moroccco and the Polisario treated about the definition of the census, the withdrawal of the troops, human rights and exchange of prisoners, as well as the organisation of the referendum. The newspaper adds that the negociations failed because of unknown reasons.


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