original french



International campaign for the liberation of Mohamed Daddach and all Saharawi political prisoners condemned by Moroccan courts
The collection of signatures on petitions is continuing.
You can sign the appeal on line (
english, french, spanish, italian, german) or download and print out petition forms for the collection of signatures (english, french, spanish, italian, german).

Response of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs to François Loncle,  chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly: France, concerned to preserve stability in the Maghreb, has always supported the efforts of the UN. It hopes that James Baker will be able to accomplish his mission on the basis of resolution 1359, which gives priority to finding a political solution between the parties, without thereby abandoning the settlement plan. For Hubert Védrine, the Framework-Agreement could be the basis of a useful discussion and lead to direct negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front.

Polisario Front
The extraordinary meeting of the National Secretariat was devoted to the analysis of the Pinedale meeting. Conclusions: the peace plan and the Houston Agreements remain the basis of any solution. Any discussion of the Framework-Agreement proposal is just a waste of time. An appeal was made to the Saharawis living in the occupied territories encouraging them to continue their struggle for dignity and freedom.

United Kingdom
Having not obtained a satisfactory response or any promises for the future from the British government, the humanitarian NGO, War on Want, is proceeding with a judicial review of the government's decision to license the export of military equipment for the Moroccan army, destined for use in Western Sahara.( see weeks
05 and 10 2001)
In a letter to the Guardian, the Western Sahara Campaign UK deplores the attitude of the British government and points out that new arms licences have been approved, although at present it is not known whether they are to be used in the same conflict zone.(
The Guardian)

The President of SADR made appointments at the level of ministries and Polisario Front representations and SADR embassies abroad. Some younger people will thus gain posts as representatives. Meanwhile, an important government re-shuffle is awaited shortly.

The saharawi ambassador to OAU and designed Polisario representative to UK, Fadel Ismaïl, publishes a reaction (
english translation) to the article of Driss Basri in Demain Magazine.


01.08.01, Italy: the Italian parliamentary Saharawi intergroup has been newly elected and has met. It consists of about 60 parliamentarians (42 deputies and 16 senators representing  Democratici di Sinistra, Forza Italia, Alleanza nazionale, Margherita, CCD-CDU, Verdi, Comunisti Italiani, Rifondazione Comunista).

15.09.-15.10.01, Orléans, France:  The Orleans Human Rights Forum is putting on an exhibition of photos and testimonies taken by Hervé de Williencourt,  entitled "Saharawis: war, exodus and being forgotten" in the University's Maison de l'Etudiant. The opening took place in the presence of the mayor, the Vice Presidents of the University and CROUSS. Michèle Decaster on behalf of AFASPA and Kenti Sidi Balla for the Polisario Front informed those present about the history of the conflict, and the current situation as well as about the campaign for the liberation of Saharawi prisoners organised by the European Bureau for the respect of Human Rights in Western Sahara.


28-29-30.09.01 Florence / Pisa: First European conference of towns linked with the Saharawi people.
28.09: official ceremony in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. Renewal of friendship and twinning pacts.
29 et 30.09.: conference and workshops in Pisa on the topics of politics and twinning, human rights and training, humanitarian aid and cooperation, women, information and communication. Contact, for information: AICCRE - Associazione Italiana per il Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni d'Europa - Association italienne Conseil Communes et Régions d'Europe, tél: +39 587 299 250, +39 587 299 201, e-mail secrétariat de la Conférence:

Charter flight  Barcelona - Tindouf: 31.10-04.11.01, org: Associació Catalana d'Amics del Poble Sahrauí, secció territorial de Vilanova i la Geltrú, info afont@pie.xtec.es

26-30.09.01, Zaragoza, Spain: The association UMDRAIGA will take part in the  Feria del asociacionismo en Aragon (Parque Grande).

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